My dearest Master Li,
I am writing to express my deepest gratitude regarding your miraculous healing work.
Please allow me to put the events of the last ten weeks in chronological order. On August 6th I went to an urgent care facility with sharp breast pain. On August 7th, I went to see Dr. Rosa Langella, a breast specialist in Jasper, Georgia for this abnormality. She saw tissue that concerned her and a biopsy was performed. On August 12th she confirmed to me that I had invasive lobular cancer. Dr. Langella found a tumor 1 1/2 inches in diameter in my right breast. I was devastated.
She recommended anti-hormonal pills to shrink the tumor. During that week I had an MRI, a mammogram and a cat scan. The medicine made me very sick. I could not eat or sleep. After a week, I stopped taking the anti-hormonal medicine.
I had met Master Li years ago at a qigong conference and my back pain was healed right before my eyes. Later that year, I was experiencing pelvic pain, my daughter-in-law suffered from lupus and my grandson was legally blind. I decided to call on him again. In short order we all received miraculous healing.
Considering my new dilemma, I reached out once again to Master Li. He agreed to take on the case. The date was August 27th. Within days, perhaps hours my spirit was lifted, my appetite returned and the pain was gone. This improvement continued over the following weeks. Under Master Li's direction and supervision, I refrained from eating meat, fish and diary. I ate mostly organic vegetables, fruits and whole grains. In addition to the diet, I began deep breathing meditation for two hours each morning. I started an intense supplemental nutritional program under his watchful eye.
This past Friday, October 18th I again saw Dr. Langella as a follow up. To her amazement she could find no trace of the tumor. Even with the use of an ultrasound machine there was no indication of the original abnormality.
I hope to share Master Li's healing energy work with others in the future. I will always be eternally grateful to him.
Many Blessings,